(Youth) Climate Activism in Kentucky

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Zoom Video Meeting

Are you involved in work to address climate change in Kentucky? Hang out with folks who are, too, and learn how others’ lives have led them to this work during a virtual presentation and conversation on Monday, February 20th, 2023 from 7-8pm EST. Register for the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-6gqjspH9yblFPyf2ExF9m_F7FKxs-2

Jeri K. Howell will summarize the results of her research that explores the experiences of young Kentuckians in their work to address climate change (read research publication here: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cld_etds/60/). The Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition shares: “A phenomenal resource for any Kentucky activist looking to engage with youth on climate issues, this thesis explores personal stories, what has worked well, and overall set backs in these spaces.”

Participants will also have time to connect with one another by sharing related opportunities, resources, questions, and stories.

While the research focuses on ages 18-24 years old, folks of all ages are welcome to join this meeting.